Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Simple Plan That Was Never Simple

No one was supposed to get hurt.  ‘Suppose’ is a tricky word.    

The plan was simple.  One of us would get on the bus at the stoplight and force it to drive to the end of the road.  Two more of us would be waiting at the end of the road and usher the bus inside the old building.  We would then exchange twenty students for twenty million dollars – one million each.  Each of us just had to play our part. 

The three of us wore masks.  No one would ever recognize us because our disguises were perfect.  The bus driver was tied and blindfolded.  We dropped him off at the school—unhurt.  A computer program would accept the money from the depositors and route it to a bank account.  We knew who the depositors would be.  Three large factories employed seventy percent of the town.  There was no way that they would not act to save those children.

We moved the bus to a safe location and waited for two days for the money to enter the account.  There were a few empty threats made against the children’s lives to speed the process up.  That is all the threats were—empty.  We fed them.  The building had bathrooms.  We kept them safe.

The one who was supposed to be watching the children that night left to go to a girl’s house to have a quickie.  He got back to the bus a few hours later.  The garage where the children were sleeping had filled with some gas.  It burned his eyes when he walked back into the building.  It had knocked the children unconscious.  He called us in a panic.  We rushed over.  But it was too late.  It was chaos after that.

We checked the account.  The money had been transferred in.  Two of us wanted to split the money and leave.  One of us wanted each family to have a million dollars.  We owed them that.  The other two fought him on the idea. 

I shot and killed both of them.  I mailed each parent a check for one-million dollars.  Law enforcement is pursuing me.  They do not know who I am.  But they know my profile.  I am laying low until I can leave the country.  I am broke.              

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